Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Before I get to the meat and potatoes of this blog, the indomitable Sam, let me first introduce myself.

My name is Jayna. I am 28 years old. I live in Maryland with my boyfriend, two cats, five fish and hamster. I am the guardian of two amazing little boys, who spend the school year (September through June, minus school vacations) with their father in New York . I am a going to be a full time student starting this Fall. I am starting this blog (though I meant to start it two weeks ago!) to document the trials and tribulations of guarding over an autistic child, while simultaneously nurturing his neurotypical big brother.

Now, about the kidlings;

Adam, age 8 (soon to be 9, he says, like it is a big accomplishment!), is going to be starting the 4th grade very soon. He is neurotypical. Like most kids, he dislikes school, likes video games, and finds his brother to be the second most annoying person on the planet (the first being his younger cousin, Makayla).

Sam, age 7, autistic. Sam loves the Wiggles. More than anything else. Ever. He also loves cheerios, juice, and puppies. Sam was diagnosed with mild to moderate autism at 31 months. For about 6 months prior to that he was recieving speech therapy for a significant speech delay. Sam is currently enrolled in a 11 month program specially designed for autistic kids.

This blog isn't going to be about much of the past, but more of the present and the future and day to day frustrations that I, personally, find challenging. If you are looking for information or a "cause" for autism, you're looking in the wrong place. I don't know why Sam is autistic. I don't know that there is a magic cure for it. Being the parent of an autistic child is hard, frustrating, depressing, rewarding, amazing and exciting.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and helpful tools with all of you!

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